Project Details

D-Tracker is currently hosted on an AWS EC2 instance. Within that instance the scripts and files that are used to run the web app are packaged and triggered and managed by a linux service.
  • AWS
  • EC2
  • Route 53
  • Linux Service

The front end of this application is made of the CSS and HTML files that are hosted inside of the flask application. There are custom javascript scripts within the HTML files that host different parts of the website/service.
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript

The backend is made up of Flask as the main framework. The web application utilizes D-Tracker code as well that is hosted along side Flask. This code is called any time a certain API call is made from the front ends name input box. When that API endpoint gets a request it takes the name in the body of that request and hands it off to the dtrack function of my code which queries riots API and does some calculations to get the time left on a players decay timer.
  • Python
  • Flask
  • Linux Scripts

The D-Tracker code itself is is a python script that is made info a function and imported into the routes file of flask. When the "getSummoner" API endpoint is triggered the dtrack function is also triggered. The name in the body of the request is passed to the dtrack function and the dtrack code begins. Firstly it gets some preliminary information on the account that it is querying like rank (no point checking accounts below diamond), game history, name, ID and so on. That information is used to query a match history API. Once all of the information is loaded in it takes the last few games and does a differential on the games creation date (in linux epoch time) calculates a differential on the dates and references that to the current date. Once that is done there are a few more calculations and from that we can determine the decay date. The result of the function is returned as a string and the result is outputted to the webpage.
  • Requests to Riot Games API
  • Query Sanitation
  • Dataset filtering
  • Game Data Calculations

Project Logic Flow Diagram